Oh, River... you really want to do this, huh? Well.. who am I to stop you... but, keep in mind, Becoming the new rain maker will not be easy.

Your name is River, you are a 19 year old trans girl looking to become the new rain maker and save your town's crops from drought and death, and the gem is right there, were the stories all false?


This is my first go at a game like this!!! I've never worked on a game that required design and wasn't completely endless! I'm really looking for constructive criticism and code suggestions! I really wish to improve my code and my game design abilities!! The dungeon is completely the same every time as I didn't know the Pico8 could do procedural generation. :(

The game is inspired by The Binding Of Isaac!!

Controls, and other stuff

This is kinda important as I was super limited with what I could do with the controls!\

You aim with the mouse, and clicking will make it rain once you've picked up the gem!

You move with the DPad, and pressing the O Button will make River "think" and unable to move, this is where you can can cycle your inventory, pressing DPad Left or DPad Right will move the inventory cursor!

Pressing O while hovering above a Chest/Item will pick up said item.

Pressing X will consume the item the inventory cursor is on.

The controls on your keyboard are as follows:

DPad -> Arrow keys

O button -> Z/C keys

X button -> X/V keys

The game is completely open source and licensed under MIT!

Made withPICO-8

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